Tips for Finding Student Accommodation

June and July are not too early to start getting ready to go back to uni. According to the Guardian, 80% of students move away from home to go to university. With the time to go back to university fast approaching, many students are still struggling to find affordable accommodation, especially with the price of halls rising every year. So, here are some tips to help prepare you for the start ot the new university year and easily find accommodation. .

Start Looking Early

Remember, it is never too early to start looking for your accommodation for the next university year. Waiting for your results to come out first is not necessarily the best idea. It’s better to start thinking about accommodation early, in May or June, or even earlier, so that you have at least an idea of what you want . It is also vital to set out a maximum budget, bearing in mind that you will have to take many aspects into account, such as rent, as well as bills, a deposit, insurance, electricity, water etc. It’s a good idea to do your research well in advance so that you know what the average rental price is in your area for the kind of accommodation that you are searching for, so that you don’t end up being over-charged.

Don’t hesitate to be as prepared as possible months in advanceDo you research and plan things out There are a few things that you need to remember: • Some landlords will not rent to students unless they have a guarantor, so be aware that you may need to ask one of your parents if they’re willing to do it for you. Being a guarantor essentially means that the landlord will call upon them to pay the rent if you do not pay. • Check out the fees involved with using different letting agencies, so that when the time comes you can use an agency without tons of additional fees and save yourself some money. Watch out for inflated administration or credit check fees (a credit check only costs £10-20 per person). • Bear in mind that most leases last for 12 months, so you will often still be paying rent for the summer after you’ve finished the year. However, there is a way to get around this by looking for a property just outside the normal student area and asking for a break clause to be inserted, which means that you will have to give two months’ notice to end the tenancy (after 6 months). So, as a student, you could give notice after 6 months and then leave the accommodation at the end of the year so as not to be paying rent for the summer when you’re not even there.

In addition, don’t hesitate to check out if there are any awards or scholarships available from your university, some are based on financial need, but others are often based on merit too. Either way, they're useful to help fund your studies or accommodation.

Cheaper Alternatives

Traditional accommodation solutions, such as renting a studio, or an apartment are always expensive. Fortunately, Roomlala puts forward less costly solutions that allow you to save money and find accommodation without all the hassle. Essentially, you can rent a room from a resident landlord in the city where you will be studying. The site gives you the chance to pay your first month’s rent online and thus automatically benefit from our insurance system which covers you in case of nasty surprises when you arrive at the address.

Consisting of renting a spare room in a host’s home, this is the perfect kind of rental for students. This accommodation solution allows you to pay less for your accommodation, whilst also securing a room in a good location. You could end up paying up to 35% less than the cost of renting a studio. You’ll also benefit from independence and having your own personal space, whilst also sharing the common areas and moments of good company with your landlord, if you wish. It is, therefore, the chance to have a fulfilling experience in sharing and exchanging not only space, but much more, whilst avoiding ending up living alone.

Don’t hesitate to check out what rooms are available to rent on Roomlala to paln your return to university and to save money in the process.

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