
NEW: rents for long-term stays can now be paid online

Last updated: 09/07/2021

For long-term rentals (2 months and up), Roomlala now gives landlords the possibility to activate a Payment timeline.

What is it for?

In activating the Payment timeline, landlords notify their tenants that the rents are to be paid online each month, and no longer in person. This saves time and provides better safety to both landlords and tenants.

Roomlala takes care of everything!

  • Each month, Roomlala sends a payment notice as well as several rent reminders to inform the tenant that it's time to pay their rent;
  • The tenant pays their rent online and the landlord is informed;
  • The tenant automatically receives their payment receipt / rent receipt and can download it as well in their Roomlala account;
  • The rent will be paid to the landlord 48 hours after the payment due date.

By activating the Payment timeline, landlords and tenants go through a trusted intermediary providing them with a 100% secure interface. Both landlords and tenants will also benefit from the insurance associated with online payment.

Landlords: how can I view the Payment timeline and activate it?

Go to your Roomlala inbox and click on "See the Payment timeline" in the information box on the top of your conversation with your tenant. Note, however, that this feature is only available for rentals of 2 months and longer.

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