
Landlords: Top 3 benefits of accommodation in exchange for work

Last updated: 09/07/2021

Accommodation in exchange for work can be an enriching experience not only for the tenant, who benefits from a greatly reduced rent, but also for the landlord, who can use the help for household tasks, babysitting or free up their time in other ways. Students often choose accommodation in exchange for work because of the benefits compared to a student job, but we have also come up with the top three reasons why it can be beneficial for the landlord.

A strong relationship

Landlords who choose to offer their accommodation in exchange for services instead of rent often find that they create a real bond with their tenant. Tenants tend to be incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to pay for their room by working instead of rent. This type of relationship can often grow into a great friendship, with both parties grateful to one another, and many find that they make friends with someone they would never have met otherwise.

Prevent loneliness

Often, when the kids have left the family home parents can be left alone in a large, empty house, and this can be very lonely. Offering your spare room in exchange for work can help your house feel full again and ensure that you are never short of social interaction. Many couples rent their spare room to a student in exchange for childcare services which can give them a chance to spend quality time together and benefit from an extra support network.

Say goodbye to tiring tasks

The principle of accommodation in exchange for work is to offer your room in exchange for a specific service. In this way, the landlord can say goodbye to a fair amount of daily or weekly tasks. They can request that their tenant does the shopping, cleans the house, helps kids with homework or even provide care to the elderly. Likewise, you can even save money – a tenant can act as a ready-made babysitter, saving you the cost of hiring a nanny.

Author: Roomlala

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