Have you got a nice place to rent? Most prospective tenants judge an accommodation by the bedroom, it can make or break the decision of the potential tenant to rent or not. Make sure that your bedroom leaves a good impression when getting visits from prospective tenants. We've compiled some tips to help charm your prospective tenants.
A clean and tidy room is essentialDuring tenant visits, a messy or dirty bedroom leaves a lot to be desired. Having dirty clothes lying around, various items left on the floor, or accumulating dirt and dust prevents the prospective tenant from visualising the bedroom as their own. We advise that you give the bedroom a good tidying up before the visit, and ensure that the room is spotless. We also recommend that you fix any damages or defects in the bedroom, such as holes in the wall.
Avoid having personalised décor in the bedroomMost tenants like to personalise their bedroom upon moving in, to make it more cosy and comfortable. When showing the prospective tenant the room, ensure that it's not overly decorated, or decorated with your personal belongings. Let the prospective tenant view the bedroom as a blank canvas. Try decorating the room with neutral colours and keeping the bedroom clutter-free.

Many rented accommodations lack basic storage space. If you want to charm the potential tenant, then why not furnish the bedroom with a bookshelf, wardrobe, or bedside table. However, it's important that you don't over-furnish the bedroom, as that makes the room look cramped. It's important that the prospective tenant finds the room spacious yet cosy; you should allow enough space for them to move freely around the room.
If you want to provide the prospective tenant with some extra storage space but you don't want to break the bank, then check out our article “Décor Tips: Use Your Walls as Storage".
Author: Roomlala
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