Today, more and more students ask for help when it comes to their homework. Very often, this help comes from classmates and friends. Sharing useful information is trendy and it helps you succeed.
The help of digital technology Thanks to new technologies and the different digital devices, everything is connected. You can share any information with your friends, anywhere, at any time. This is also true for homework. When you get stuck on an exercise, alone in your room, the first thing you think about is asking your friends. Now, this is possible thanks to websites and applications.
One website providing homework help, available since April in the UK, is digiSchool Homework. It works in a very simple way and it is based on mutual help. To use it, you have to register, but is it entirely free. Once registered, you can post your homework online and ask for the help of the other members. You will get quality answers almost immediately. You are also invited to help other students. By helping, you win coins that allow you to post more homework. In fact, the more you help, the more you can ask for help! The purpose of this service is to help you be more successful at school.
Share your lessons and revision sheets! Not only can you get help with your homework, but now you can also share educational resources. Indeed, it is more and more common to see platforms where students upload their lessons, revision sheets and papers for example. This is really helpful when you are in need of a new perspective or when you do not understand well enough your notes. You can also have access to online courses and online revision content to study for exams.
Some of these platforms are asking for a small fee when you register, but digiSchool is completely free. On this platform, you have access to educational resources written by teachers and also a directory of online courses and other great stuff to improve and learn new things every day. You can revise all subjects online and for free! With the service Documents, you can upload your own documents, such as cover letters examples, to help other students as well.
This online sharing of resources is helpful for every student in the world and globalized revision is now possible. Now that they can already rent rooms all over the world with Roomlala, we can imagine that soon, students will be able to learn new languages thanks to mutual help platforms with other students from every country.
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