More and more property owners are starting to rent out their spare rooms and share their homes, whether it’s for a few days or a few months. The chance to make some extra cash from your spare room is too good to miss: what are you waiting for? Roomlala offers a platform for medium- to long-term rentals for anyone who’s got a room to spare or looking for a place to stay. Anyone can make extra income renting their room to a student or traveller on business trips. Why not find out the other benefits?
Learn a new languageVous voulez parler français? It’s not cheap to take lessons and difficult to take a year out to spend in Bordeaux! With an active lifestyle, kids, commitments, jobs… It’s hard to find the time to pick up your high-school French or Spanish, even if it’s for professional reasons. The answer is simple: rent out your room to a foreign student at the local university and immerse yourself in the language at home. You can help them with their English, so it’s a win-win. Instead of shelling out for lessons, you can make money while learning a language!
Find some extra cash to treat yourselfHandbags, the new iPhone, a watch, shoes, bikes… Everyone has their weak spot! It’s hard not to feel guilty when you splurge on something fancy, especially if you’re supposed to be saving up for something big (or even just paying the bills). Instead of beating yourself up about it, just supplement your income by renting out one of your rooms! With a lodger paying their way, you won’t have to feel so guilty next time you see just the thing you’ve been looking for…
Have yourself a holidayA week in the Caribbean, a long weekend in Barcelona, a cruise in the Mediterranean, the holiday of a lifetime in Australia… Just a few of the trips we’re all dreaming of when we’re at work! While it’s important to take time off, see the world and do new things, it can be hard to take time out – never mind paying for it. Once you’ve paid your bills and done a few food shops, there’s not always much left at the end of the month for a holiday. The answer is simple: welcoming a lodger into your spare room is a great way of putting aside some money for your holidays. Even better, if you find a long term tenant they might be able to look after the house/cat/pot plants while you’re away, leaving you much more relaxed as you jet off abroad.
Do up your placeWe live there, pay the bills, clean it, love it… But when it comes to coughing up for repairs or renovations of your home, it’s not always possible. Whether you do it yourself and the materials aren’t cheap or you need to fork out for a tradesman to help you out, the funds might not always be there when you ned them. Renting out one of your rooms can help you use your home to fix your home! The extra income from your tenant can go towards new wallpaper, renovation work or even an extension. Take the stress out of redecorating and turn it into a chance to get creative!
Author: Roomlala
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