
Decor Tips: Use Your Walls as Storage

Last updated: 09/07/2021

The way in which you decorate your walls plays a critical role in the overall decor of your home. Between hanging a nice painting, some tapestry or some flashy trinkets, there are a vast amount of choices when it comes to decorating your walls. However, have you ever thought about both decorating and optimising the usage of your walls, at the same time? Roomlala is here to advise you on how you can turn your walls into storage, with a few simple DIY tricks.

A wall storage compartment

Vide-poche mural

We all have that one bowl in our corridor, where we dump our keys when coming through the front door. This can be a messy site and a bit of an inconvenience in the mornings when searching through a pile of keys. If you want to cut out this mess and inconvenience, we suggest that you create a wall storage compartment, which is both stylish and useful. A wall storage compartment is perfect for storing your keys, glasses or stationary.

A rural craft hanger


DIY lovers, we recommend that you create a unique personalised hanger that combines the decor of your walls and the storing of your coats, belts, or hats. There are numerous variations of hangers that you can create for your walls. Depending on the type of person you are, and what your hobbies include, create a hanger that suits you! Personalise the hanger by choosing your favourite colours, and your storage needs. Whether you need to store plumbing equipment, a skateboard, or your bike equipment, DIY is a very good method in creating personalised hangers.

A homemade wall jewellery hanger


What's better than using jewellery in decorating your wall? The wall jewellery hanger is an optimal solution for mixing storage of accessories with wall décor. Thanks to the numerous amount of storage space offered, this simple piece of wood doesn't only highlight your walls, it's also perfect for hanging your jewellery, which in itself adds to the decor of your walls. Why not hang one above your bedside table?

Some jars on the wall

Bocaux accrochés au mur

Another storage optimisation solution with the use of DIY can be done with very basic tools. Examples include, jam jars, or canning. You don't even have to drill holes in your wall in order to hang the jars etc. Just glue them to hanging wooden objects, and you've the perfect place to store any stationary, jewellery, or anything you can think of! For more advice on decorating your place, check out our décor blog post Decorating Tips: Making the Most of Your Little Living Room.


Author: Roomlala

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