
Make your empty rooms a source of additional income

Have your children left? Your guest room is not so often full? Do you have an empty room, which gathers dust and serves as a little storage? Why not make these coins a source of additional income? These closed rooms, where you don't go much anymore, could reopen, and allow you to easily put a little butter in the spinach. And it won't require a huge effort: a good spring cleaning, a few clean sheets, a warm welcome!

Fill your family nest

Three years ago full of turmoil, your nest became very calm... And yes: the children left, your spouse did not slow down at work, and you, you sometimes find yourself a little alone in this beautiful family apartment. Never mind: give it a little tumult and atmosphere. Re-open Nicolas and Marie's rooms to a few students who will be happy to occupy them, and maybe make a little mess.

Meet new people

Routine: nf I. Habit of acting in the same way… And yes: apartment, partner(s), friends(es), place of residence, profession…. Your life is beautiful, for sure, but slightly routine. So change your habits a bit! Renting a room via Roomlala means welcoming one, two, three... people, regularly or occasionally, with whom to share a meal or breakfast... A student, a banker, a couple of foreigners... In short, it's the opportunity to bring a little chance into your home, and often it ends in a nice meeting!

Learn a new language

Do you need to improve your english? But when to do it, and at what cost? With the active life, the children, the obligations that we already have, it is difficult to take time to get back to English, even though we know that it is necessary. Easy: with Roomlala, you offer yourself a bathing experience at home. Welcome a speaker of the language where you need to improve, and improve your conversation. And yes, you will be able to join learning and additional source of income!

An anti-crisis remedy

With the crisis, we are watching our wallets more and more: concerns about the future, rising prices, fears for children…. Any expense is a source of stress. Obviously, with the bad figures that are declaimed every evening in the newspaper, it is difficult to regain confidence. Roomlala is one of those remedies that can help you forget your worries and look more positively at the future. Yes, because your residence can become a constant source of income, without the crisis threatening it... So open the doors of your home, and your small business will no longer experience the crisis!

Finance your whims

Handbag, mobile phone, shirt, digital tablet, gourmet dinner, valuable watch…. Everyone has their little quirks. We feel guilty when we give in to it, but what do we crave when we see it in the window! Often occasional, these whims do not justify either a specific saving or an expense from the common account... But then, should we give up these little pleasures? No, just find another way to finance them: Roomlala! By renting one of your rooms, you can crack almost as much as you want...

Finance the renovation of an apartment

His apartment, we live there, we maintain it, we clean it, we pay the charges... But when the time comes to finance a major renovation, whether necessary or comfort, how to do it? The cash flow is not always there when it comes to paying for estimates, supplies and labour. Anticipate or amortize these costs by opening one of your rooms for rent. Thus, the renovation will no longer be a source of stress, it will rather be an opportunity for a nice facelift!

Finance the expenses of your second home

Like 10% of French people, you have a second home. And as for 10% of French people, it generates many costs: property tax, boiler, plumbing, roofing, general maintenance, electricity... The pill is all the harder to swallow when you only go there for a few weeks per year. The rest of the time, the house costs, without bringing back! By opening the guest room of your main residence for rent, or even by renting your secondary residence from time to time, you will be able to finance all the charges relating to the latter. And have a country house that costs you nothing!

Pay your bills

Property or housing taxes, gas or electricity bills, condominium fees or a simple pipe to change… When you live in an apartment, you often plan for fixed costs, but certainly not for the increase in bills or the simple accident to be repaired. And sometimes, what we have to pay accumulates, without us knowing very well how to pay it. Well, Roomlala allows you to anticipate or simply pay these bills, without straining your budget: simply open a room for rent by the year, the month or the weekend according to your needs, and thus no longer be stressed by any mail!

Finance your stay when you go on vacation

A week in Thalasso, a weekend in Rome, a cruise in the Mediterranean, ten days in New York…. Here are some stays that make more than one dream. And yet, once all the obligatory fees and expenses have been taken care of, there is often not much left at the end of the month to set aside for a trip. Never mind, Roomlala is here to help you: plan the times when you want to host someone and set the price according to your project. Wait a bit, it will be done soon.

Slow down at work

Subway, work, sleep…. The days pass, often look alike, certainly pleasant, but you realize that life passes quickly, and that you don't have time for your projects, those you dreamed of carrying out. So take it easy: with Roomlala, allow yourself to reduce your activity and at the same time compensate for the shortfall. You decide everything: date, price, deadlines... Now all you have to do is polish your project.

Exchange good practices

+ 30% for 10 years in France, the price of rents is only getting carried away. Add to this increase the crisis, which puts pressure on wages, and you will know that it is increasingly difficult to find accommodation in the big cities. So, make an exchange of good practices: if the crisis worries you, know that it is more severely felt by those who for professional or educational reasons have to move or go back and forth. By renting a room, you will supplement your income, while offering someone the opportunity of housing at a lower cost!